Bnxfinex- Best crypto exchange (new way)

6 min readDec 27, 2020

Hi my name is Pumox and today again lets discuss about my favorite project Bnxfinex and also about it’s exchange. So if you haven’t joined the new announcement of the trading platf-rm of Bnxfinex then join it right now from here >>>


First of all I want to say that we are so lucky of having the platform like Bnxfinex and it has given us opportunity and as you know that the opportunity only knock the door once and we have already grabbed it yahhoooo….!!!

As you have heard about blockchain and how secure it is right and if you haven’t then lets discuss from beginning in a short and sweet. Bnxfinex is based on the ethereum blockchain and that means the token of Bnxfinex is Erc-20 tokens and as you know that the ethereum is a decentralized open source blockchain featuring smart contract functionality and so do the Bnxfinex is a platform which token is based on the Erc-20 and you don’t have to worry about your deposited money in this platform

What is Bnxfinex?

Bnxfinex is the exchanging phase of a modernized money trade dependent on a quick, beneficial and safe bit of choices. Bnxfinex eliminates the multifaceted nature, basic expenses, and obvious acknowledgment of the current structure and replaces them with major, reasonable and quick affiliations. Bnxfinex Cryptographic cash Trade Stage mission: is to open a mechanized currency market for everybody with an arrangement stuff and enchanting association. As a dependable affiliation, we empower blockchain gathering and offer a sure and simple approach to deal with shares sometime in the future for money related business zones. The BNX Token blockchain stage is truly planned with loads of intriguing highlights which make it extraordinary for its clients and cryptographic (progressed) money transporters and so on Bnxfinex is the first decentralized trade 4 significant viewpoints: Uses Prosperity Cross chain Dapp Bnxfinex Trade stage quicker and Simpler Storage and Withdrawal Techniques: Especially in provincial nations, there is an innate requirement for fundamental stockpiling and withdrawal association. Utilizing BNX Coin, Controlled by Blockchain, and a blend of close by shops and other sharp installment structures, stockpiling and withdrawal is rarely less troublesome. It is determined, protected, recognizable, and totally immediate. Bnxfinex Trade Coin, Stage and Site are given without guarantee of any sort, either express or deciphered. Also, the Stage will be open 100% of the opportunity to tackle your concern. Quicker Trade Stage and Simpler Storage and Withdrawal Techniques: Especially in provincial nations, there is a natural requirement for fundamental stockpiling and withdrawal association. Utilizing BNX Coin, Controlled by Blockchain, and a blend of close by shops and other sharp installment structures, stockpiling and withdrawal is rarely less troublesome. It is determined, protected, recognizable, and totally immediate. Bnxfinex Trade Coin, Stage and Site are given without guarantee of any sort, either express or deciphered. Furthermore, the Stage will be open 100% of the opportunity to tackle your concern. Quicker Trade Stage and Simpler Storage and Withdrawal Techniques: Especially in provincial nations, there is an inalienable requirement for essential stockpiling and withdrawal association. Utilizing BNX Coin, Controlled by Blockchain, and a blend of close by shops and other sharp installment structures, stockpiling and withdrawal is rarely less troublesome. It is found out, protected, recognizable, and totally immediate. Bnxfinex Trade Coin, Stage and Site are given without guarantee of any sort, either express or deciphered. Plus, the Stage will be open 100% of the opportunity to tackle your concern. Constrained by Blockchain, and a combination of close by shops and other sharp installment structures, stockpiling and withdrawal is rarely less troublesome. It is learned, protected, recognizable, and totally immediate. Bnxfinex Trade Coin, Stage and Site are given without guarantee of any sort, either express or deciphered. Moreover, the Stage will be open 100% of the opportunity to tackle your concern. Constrained by Blockchain, and a combination of close by shops and other sharp installment structures, stockpiling and withdrawal is rarely less troublesome. It is learned, protected, recognizable, and totally immediate. Bnxfinex Trade Coin, Stage and Site are given without guarantee of any sort, either express or deciphered. Additionally, the Stage will be open 100% of the opportunity to tackle your concern.

The aggregate of this will be gotten to using the BNX Token. It is he who allows this target to be sorted out. All that will happen basically, first, your advanced cash will be moved to the BNX Token, with which you would effectively have the option to pay off. This has all the earmarks of being a lovely clear task, yet to complete it you should make a tremendous appearing. Moreover, BNX Token relies upon the ETH20 standard made by the Ethereum organization. What can say about the high adequacy and unfathomable prospects of this token?

What is Digital Banking?

At its center, advanced banking basically involves the utilizing of innovation to convey banking items. Some accept that computerized banking (Digital Banking) basically implies an on the web or versatile financial stage however obvious advanced needs to go a long ways past that. Going advanced suggests grasping the most recent advances at all utilitarian levels and on all assistance conveyance stages. A computerized bank would carry on likewise at the branch, at the administrative center, on an online assistance conveyance stage, at the ATMs and at the retail location machines. The issue with considering advanced banking existing just on a versatile or online stage is that it disregards the utilization of computerized at the other utilitarian territories of the bank. The on the web or portable stage is just the front finish of the financial assistance conveyance stage. There are many financial capacities like danger the executives, depository, item advancement, promoting, relationship put together deals groups thus with respect to at the center and back end. These capacities additionally need to digitize all together for the bank to be really viewed as a computerized bank ( Digital Bank ).

Bnxfinex is also the digital bank and not only the digital bank it is far and far beyond that and that’s why we are crazy about this banking technology and Bnxfinex will bring the all promises that they have said in their website in future. i.e. Paying bills and other extra things that they have mentioned in their white paper and also in their twitter and Facebook page. So, never miss the updates of Bnxfinex if you are the true fan of this project.

This is the trading platform of bnxfinex and the website name is bnxoption and i will give the link down below of their Twitter, Telegram and Website.

Token Details:

Total Supply for Savings: 3,000,000

Total Remaining Supply: 2,586,144

Blocks Remaining: 13

Starting Price: 1.1

Target: 3,000,000

BNX left to go to the next block: 186,144

Current Block Information

Starting: $ 1.1

Current: 13856 BNX

block Today: 3

Current Price: $ 1.1

blocks Next Price: $ 1.2

Supply block Next: BNX 600,000

Completed: $ 1.20

Target: 200,000

Token BNX

BNX BNX Token was developed based on the standards ERC20 owned Ethereum network.

Token Name: BNX

Token Symbol: BNX

Total Volume: 12,000,000

BNX Tokens will be distributed to followers.

Marketing: 2,000,000

Savings: 3,000,000

Community Fund: 3,000,000

Foundation Fund: 4,000,000

For More Information Visit link below:

Website: >>Click here

Telegram: >>Click here

Twitter: >>Click here

Facebook: >>Click here

#BNX #BNXFINEX #Defi #Crypto #exchange

Author Details:

Bitcointalk Username: Pumox

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2857933

